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MIC: Is Subra holding on to his horses for “Palanivel faction” to return?


subraKuala Lumpur – The much anticipated announcements from MIC President Datuk Seri Dr S.Subramaniam on Saturday (28 November) after the MIC Central Working Committee Meeting (CWC) was a surprise to many. To some, it was even disappointing.

The level of enthusiasm and drive displayed by Dr Subra in his speech at the MIC General Assembly to reform the party and to steer the Indian Community out of its doldrums, did not reflect in the announcements he made after the first CWC meeting he chaired, since the conclusion of the MIC Re-Elections.

MIC-logoEven the appointment of Sub-committees which are usually seen as the drivers behind the party’s new visions and strategy, were not complete. Some party members are also unhappy that some of the “old guards” have been retained through the sub-committees that were announced at a time the party should be gearing itself with a new line of young and innovative leaders.


MIC Sources said the party President is well aware of the repercussions of his decisions but there could be two reasons for his reluctance in introducing the much desired changes for the party at this stage. One, he wants the politicking that has been prevailing in the party to cool down first in view of the shocking defeat of Saravanan for the post of Deputy President of party.

There were pressures mounting on Dr Subra to bring back Saravanan as one of the key office-bearers of the party. There were also several requests from Subra’s own supporters to appoint them into the CWC and as one of the key office-bearers of the party.

Looks like, by deferring the new appointments, Subra has given a “cooling off” period much needed for the party now. Thereby, Subra, has also drastically reduced some politicking that could have emerged in the event the new appointments were announced.

Waiting for the “return” of Palanivel’s faction?

SothinathanBut, according to MIC sources, the primary reason for Subra’s decision to defer the new appointments is to facilitate the merger of Palanivel’s faction into the party first. “We will accept all those outside the party provided they come in without any pre-set conditions” Subra declared at the press conference held after CWC meeting.

In an immediate response, Datuk S.Sothinathan (pic), the leading spokesman for Palanivel’s faction now, said “we will not put unreasonable conditions and will return accepting Subra’s leadership if received with dignity”

Party sources said Subra may have reserved some nominated CWC positions for some of the key leaders of Palanivel’s faction in an attempt to show that he is serious in effecting a ‘real merger’ between the groups. Such appointments will give these incoming leaders an opportunity to play a meaningful role in the party’s administration.

This could also be the reason for Subra to retain Sakthivel and Jaspal Singh respectively as Secretary General and Treasurer General, as they are familiar with the numerous issues surrounding the disputed branches which are currently outside.

Dateline for branches to pay quota extended…

The President’s announcement, extending the dateline to 31st January 2016, to pay the membership subscription quota of the branches, is seen as another attempt to further facilitate the negotiations with Palanivel faction and to allow them more time to pay up the quota. The usual dateline for such payments is 15 December 2015.

One CWC member who attended the meeting on 28 November revealed that the President has also formed a team and has instructed Secretary General Sakthivel to look into the issue of bringing back the branches which are currently outside.

In conclusion, it is clear now that the current status quo of the party would be maintained for the next two months until 31st January 2016, to facilitate the return of Palanivel’s faction into the party. Only thereafter, the real administrative team of Subra is expected to emerge together with the respective Sub-committees that will spearhead the vision of the party President.
